My aunt Maureen recently traveled to New Orleans on a work trip and lucky for her, it happened to be right during the peak post-Saints Super Bowl win celebration and Mardi Gras madness. Of course she thought beads (don't worry...they were all CLEAN beads) would be a great treat to bring back to Reese. After Cloroxing the beads, just in case :), we let Reese at 'em...and we caught her reaction on camera...

Oh no...I do not like this!

MOM!!!! NO!

Ooooh, please...get them off of me!

Well...I don't know. I still don't really like these things.

Ok, maybe I do like these! After all, a girl's gotta accesorize!
ha ha ha ha, love the sequence of emotions! Yes, little Reese, you for sure have to accessorize :).