Greeting from the Petoske Family!
We are gearing up for Great Strides time again, and it's time to start raising funds to find a CURE for CF. Reese is currently 10 months old and doing great! We have learned a great deal in the past 10 months, and we are so completely blessed by Reese. Anyone who knows her, knows she is a fighter and she will fight this disease as we continue to work toward and pray for a CURE! If you have a few minutes, please take a moment to watch the video below that features our family and another amazing young lady, Lydia, who has CF. It details a bit more about CF and about our daily lives living with CF. A huge thank you to HenkinSchultz for producing this video in hopes that we can use it to raise research dollars so no more precious lives are devastated by this disease.
We would be honored if you would come out and join Team Reese. The walk is Saturday, June 5 at Spencer Park in Sioux Falls. And if you feel led to donate, we would also love your donations as we try to find a cure for this disease. You can join our team or donate here! http://www.cff.org/Great_Strides/KevinPetoske If the time isn't right for you to make a contribution, we would ask for your prayers. Who doesn't want one more person praying for their child? Thank you for willingly supporting our daughter either through a financial donation, coming out to join us for the walk, or through prayer.
Thank you and God Bless!
Kevin, Emily and Reese
PS...Please feel free to pass this along to anyone you think might be interested. Thanks!
We are gearing up for Great Strides time again, and it's time to start raising funds to find a CURE for CF. Reese is currently 10 months old and doing great! We have learned a great deal in the past 10 months, and we are so completely blessed by Reese. Anyone who knows her, knows she is a fighter and she will fight this disease as we continue to work toward and pray for a CURE! If you have a few minutes, please take a moment to watch the video below that features our family and another amazing young lady, Lydia, who has CF. It details a bit more about CF and about our daily lives living with CF. A huge thank you to HenkinSchultz for producing this video in hopes that we can use it to raise research dollars so no more precious lives are devastated by this disease.
We would be honored if you would come out and join Team Reese. The walk is Saturday, June 5 at Spencer Park in Sioux Falls. And if you feel led to donate, we would also love your donations as we try to find a cure for this disease. You can join our team or donate here! http://www.cff.org/Great_Strides/KevinPetoske If the time isn't right for you to make a contribution, we would ask for your prayers. Who doesn't want one more person praying for their child? Thank you for willingly supporting our daughter either through a financial donation, coming out to join us for the walk, or through prayer.
Thank you and God Bless!
Kevin, Emily and Reese
PS...Please feel free to pass this along to anyone you think might be interested. Thanks!
That video is so wonderful, and your little Reese is an absolute gift from the Lord. Go Team Reese!!!!