Thursday, December 31, 2009

Merry and Bright ~ Christmas 2009

I'm finally getting around to updating our blog! With the holidays, things have been a bit busy, so I haven't had much time to devote to blogging. Anyway, here are some "Christmas Fun" moments I captured during Reese's first Christmas. She had a blast and loved having our family snowed in at our house! Yep, that's right, we had a good old fashioned South Dakota blizzard on Christmas Day. The nasty weather outlook had been all over the news on the days leading up to Christmas, and because we happen to have an inside scoop at Kelo News (thanks Katie), my parents and my sister Katie and her husband Ross decided to come on Wednesday and hunker down for the storm. Gratefully we were able to make it to Christmas Eve mass and celebrate and worship, but the weather took a major turn for the worse shortly after. My aunts Kathy and Maureen and brother Chris made it over to our house, the Blizzard Headquarters, and we enjoyed our Christmas Eve together. Christmas Day was spent, by the boys, doing much digging out. Despite the weather, we had a wonderful Christmas! But, the Christmas celebrating is not over! Kevin's family is coming this weekend so we will get "Christmas Fun" Round 2!

The start of the blizzard

My sister Katie, Me, Reese and my Mommy on Christmas Eve
Reese opening, or should I say eating, gifts Christmas morning
Mmmm, wrapping paper!


  1. hahaha! I love that she eats the paper! That is so funny. Glad you guys had an awesome Christmas

  2. You all truly had a white Christmas! I miss those storms sometimes...all but the shoveling :). Merry 1st Christmas, Reese! You are such a blessing to so many!
