Sunday, April 4, 2010

"Who is that?"

Those are pretty much Reese's favorite words...she says it all the time. Except it doesn't actually come out as "who is that". It's more like "whosat". Nonetheless, she loves to say it...especially when she's "talking" on the phone...too cute!

And "whosat?"...that's our very busy, very active, very squirmy, and in our opinion, our very cute and lovable 11 month old!


  1. OMG look at all her hair. She's almost in need of a hair cut. Rylee said something to that sort whenever someone walked in the door. Who's that. hahaha. Love em!

  2. You forgot squishy :). I love all chubbiness! I bet you just munch her up all day long! There's that blue chair again, love it!
