tRiCk - Or- TrEaT!
Halloween 2010...fun, fun, fun! We went to Emery to help my mom and dad move back into their house (after a 3 month rennovation) so we decided we would just stay and go trick-or-treating there. We only hit up a few houses but it was so fun to watch Reese toddle around in her little Tigger costume. Last year she was too little to really know what was going on, so this year was much more fun as she totally dug the concept of knocking on someone's door dressed up as Tigger and in return, getting gobs and gobs of candy. Hey, smart kid! I'm sad I didn't get more pictures of her, but let's just say she wasn't feeling in the mood to pose for picture...she had things to do! Hope everyone had a fabulous Halloween!
Tiggers are pretty wonderful...and REALLY cute!