Thursday, November 12, 2009

Suppertime Sillies, Stink Eyes, and Sippys

Suppertime is always a fun time at our house. It's one of my favorite times of our day! Now that Reese is in her high chair, for the most part we are able to actually sit down for a normal family supper. The other night, Reese was in prime form being silly and also giving her classic "stink eye" in between her silliness. We couldn't stop laughing at her funny faces...and we couldn't believe how fast she could change from all smiles, to all "stink eyes!" What a silly stinker! We are also starting to introduce the sippy cup, which is an interesting task...please note it's a John Deere sippy...thanks Grandpa John!

Silly Girl!
Out comes the Stink Eye...and no one can rock it like Reese.
Now I'm silly again!
Maybe not...

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