Most days I am ok. Most days I can carry on with our daily lives with some level of normalcy (as normal as it can be with a 2 year old...ha ha!) although CF is never really that far from my mind. After all, daily doses of enzymes and trying to fanagle a 2 year old into a shaking vest twice a day are firm reminders that we are in fact, fighting to keep our girl healthy. Most days I can do our routine things without much deep thought about CF. At least not the deep thoughts I used to have after Reese was first diagnosed. Now this is our life...this is OUR normal.
But some days are just plain hard. Some days I get sucked into the stories of precious young lives taken far too soon. Some days I go to a resource website or a social media group for a question and I happen to glance at the grim news from another mom of a CFer. Some days I want to scream at the top of my lungs and just BEG God for this to all just go away.
But ALL days, this is our reality and CF is part of our life. So ALL days I thank God for our girl and for the time He gives us with her. ALL days I love her more and more. ALL days I look at her and am so so so proud of her. ALL days I do whatever I can to make sure she stays healthy. ALL days she inspires me. ALL days she is full of sparkle and life.
And ALL days I pray for a cure.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
A day at the park
I hate to be a complainer-pants about the weather, but it has pretty much been rotten. Windy, cold, rainy...ugh. But, it feels like we finally may be starting to see a glimpse of fingers crossed. We were able to get out to the park recently on our ONE nice day in April (just kidding, but honestly it's not too far from the truth). It was such a different experience than our trips to the park last year. Reese is way more independent and is able to do so much more! I'm looking forward to spending MANY days at the park and we are fortunate to live close to several of them! Now all we need is nice weather :)

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